Himalayan Yoga Odyssey

Bohemian Adventures not only gives you the experience of a walk in nature but also a sense of amalgamation of your body and soul with mother nature. Along with an expertise in climbing and trekking we also specialise in Ashtanga Yoga, with over a decade of practicing and teaching experience. We take you on transformative journeys where you can experience a different connection with nature through breathing and meditation. Our experts will teach you how to perform the yogic forms correctly and how to adjust and synchronise you breathing patterns while walking along with meditation and body cleansing techniques.

Combining Ashtanga yoga with trekking can be a fantastic way to harmonize physical activity, mindfulness, and the appreciation of nature. Here’s how we merge these two practices:

  • Preparation and Warm-up: We start with some yoga poses or a short session to warm up your body before the trek. This can include sun salutations, gentle stretches, and breathing exercises to loosen muscles and focus your mind.
  • Yoga during breaks: Taking breaks during the trek to practice yoga. We stop at scenic spots or clearings to perform a few yoga poses. Focus on stretches that help in relieving tension in the legs, hips, and back due to trekking.
  • Mindfulness while trekking: We aid in incorporate mindfulness techniques learned in yoga during the trek. Focus on your breath, the sounds of nature, and your surroundings. This can enhance the experience of being present in the moment.
  • Post-trek yoga: After completing the trek, unwind with a longer yoga session. Focus on poses that stretch and relax muscles that might have tightened during the trek. This can aid in recovery and prevent soreness.
  • Breathing techniques: Using pranayama (breathing exercises) during breaks or at the end of the trek. This helps regulate breathing, enhance energy levels, and calm the mind after physical exertion.
  • Mindful walking: We help in practicing walking meditation during the trek, paying attention to each step, the feeling of the ground beneath your feet, and your breath. This can turn the trek itself into a meditative practice.
  • Awareness of body alignment: We teach you how to utilise the body awareness learned in yoga to maintain proper posture and body alignment while trekking. This can help prevent injuries and make the trek more comfortable.

Remember, safety is always a first priority for BA. It’s crucial to ensure that you’re adequately prepared for the trek, have the necessary gear, stay hydrated, and don’t overexert yourself. Here is where we come in to aid you in your journey, help you start gradually and teach you to listen to your body.

Our yoga instructor and a trekking guides provide you with tailored advice and assistance in combining these activities effectively and starting you on your transformative path.